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How to free ourselves from the Kleshas.

Updated: Dec 6, 2021

Avidya: ignorance

Asmita: I-ness, ego sense

Raga: attachment

Dvesha: aversion

Abhinivesah: fear of death, clinging to life

Where do the kleshas come from? All kleshas are born from ignorance; ignorance from our past life which continues to this present time. The practice of yoga awakens our awareness which is innate. When we are conscious, ignorance cannot survive. It's like, "when you know or see something, you can't unlearn or unsee," no matter how hard you try.

What are Yama and Niyama?

The yamas and niyamas are the first two limbs of the eight-limbed yogic path. This practice is a step-by-step path towards the realization of yoga as described by Patanjali. Patanjali is considered the father of modern yoga. He put together the Yoga Sutras from sacred, ancient texts of the former sages, The Sutras outline the yoga journey; how we practice, how we act towards others and how we behave towards ourself.

Pictured here are the Eight Limbs of Yoga borrowed from the Art of Living. These eight limbs take a lifetime of practice. Waking and praying, practicing the physical asanas, breathing, pranayamas, relaxing and meditation. They seem difficult but not as difficult as living without their guide. Without these eight limbs, our ignorance and fear take hold of us and rob us of our bliss.

Start at the beginning with the yamas (disciplines/ethics) and niyamas (personal practices) and grow from there. Ahimsa is the first yama and the one that makes everything else possible. Non Violence towards others and towards yourself. Conscious kindness and gratitude will gently guide us through our life awake.

SEPTEMBER is a month of getting back to the everyday business of living. Holidays follow us from Labor Day through Christmas and then a New Year. We get ready for the winter season much like the farmers harvest their lands. Summer clean-up, closing pools, children back to organized learning, window washing, jaring fruits and vegetables. (Does anyone do that anymore:-))

Go inward and speak to your heart this month. Where do you want to be and what do you want to do? So many times we settle for the easiest decision. We settle for what others want and what they expect from us. The fear of making the wrong choices and the fear of not having the time to complete our goals. Be present! Live each day to the fullest.

A buddhist priest exclaimed that he never jumps out of bed upon awakening. He wakes up quietly and considers death first. He then is grateful for yet another day of life. Another day to complete his needs and wants for this lifetime. Don't waste the day worrying about what happened last week or what you want to happen next year. Enjoy the moment, be grateful and be present.

You can't change others. You can only change yourself. Don't let others rob you of your happiness. Gratitude, self-study, practice and surrender to our divinity.

Peace, health, prosperity and love,


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